You're not punk and I'm telling everyone...

T-Shirts, Baby

Is there a better way to spend a warm spring evening with screen printing the most tropical-batik-emo-maidal-t-shirts, one could imagine and listening to awesome music doing so? Hm. Probably there's only one thing able to beat that. Meeting up with lovely people and havind a delicious outdoor vegan dinner before. So that's what me and Andi himself did a few days ago. A perfect way to celebrate the beginning of spring.

Check out da shizzle:

7" Release Show

In Case We Forgot To Mention...

..well, that's us:

pic by Andi


So yeah, this weekend we screenprinted the 200 covers for our upcoming 7" on Fettkakao. We did so at the famous Fettkakao Factory together with Andi Fettkakao himself. Check out some impressions.